Human Cruelty (poem)

Description: This is a very short poem that I wrote to celebrate the world poetry day in my literacy class.


A giant mushroom-like blast filled the air

A new rocket has launched

A new tragic for the world to be scare

Human is Cruel


From China to India

Millions of dollar been invested

Just to give the world a new fear

Human is Cruel


United State and North Korea

The conflict is always there

Just because of the stupid nuclear

Human is Cruel


Creating peace with guns

Nothing has changed

And yet, it’s not just begun

You see, Human is cruel!

Zues: King Of The Gods

This one of my assignment for literacy class. Enjoy…

Zeus or Jupiter in roman, is the god of skies, thunder, lightning, hospitality, honor, kingship, order and the ruler of the Olympus (king of the gods). Zeus has the ability to control the weather, thunder, and lightning. Moreover, he could mimic anyone voice and even shapeshift to look like any person or any animals. As the king of the gods, Zeus spends most of his time on Mount Olympus where he upholds any institution related to the state. He also protects the people and looks after the well-being of the whole human and god community.


Zeus was a last son of the Titan Kronos and goddess Rhea after his older sibling: Hades, Poseidon, Hera, Hestia, and Demeter. Zeus ends up married with his older sister Hera(god of marriage mother) who birth the two gods Ares (god of war) and Hephaestus (god of blacksmith and fire). But even before Zeus marry Hera, he had a love afire with a titan name Metis who help him to defeat Kronos. This love affair actually gave birth to the god of wisdom and war Athena. But before Athena had the chance to see the sunlight, Zeus swallowed Metis with Athena inside her stomach due to the fact that he scares that the child would overthrow with just like what he did to his dad. However, Athena born out of Zeus force head and become Zeus’s most favorite child from many other children from his love affair with other gods, moral, and even animals. In fact, some of the Olympic gods are Zeus children such as Apollo, Artemis, Athena, Aphrodite, Hermes, and Dionysus.


Born with a cruel and heartless dad, all Zeus’s older sisters and brothers got swollen by their dad, Kronos, due to the prophecy that says that one of his sons would rise against him and take all his power. Luckily when it came to Zeus’s turn, his Mom, Rhea, swap him with a boulder, wrap in cloth, for Kronos to consume. Zeus then got raise by the nim of the forest in a cave at the iron of Kreek. When he got older he got educated by an eagle who traveled the world and gathered all the new of what is happening in the world. When Zeus reached adulthood, He found out about his true identity and the terrible faith of his sibling. So he finds out a way to recuse his sibling and to defeat his dad by make him drink a poison which causes him to vomit all Zeus’s sibling. Now with support from his brothers, Zeus finally defeated Kronos and became the supreme leader of the whole world.


The powerful Zeus got light skin, dark eyes, dark long beard and hair, and enormous body muscle. Moreover, Zeus has a really overpowered weapon which is the lightning bolt. The lightning bolt was given to Zeus by a group Cyclop who’s also got swollen by Kronos, and rescue by Zeus himself. As a king, Zeus also has a scepter as his weapon and the Aegis as his shield. Zeus also was known as the god of justice. Therefore he also had a set of scale beside him doing his judgment. This mighty god also has the eagle as his favorite animal. Therefore, today, eagles are being used to represent power for many culture and country. The country like the US for example, use the eagle as the national animal to show off their power.


In the Honor of Zeus, the Ancient Greek created a festival called Olympic which was a multi-sport competition in Olympia. During the day of the event, they dispatch 100 oxen as scarification to Zeus. At the end of the day, another scarification is been made by the athlete to thanks for their success. “Over time, the game flourished and Olympia became the main site of worship of Zeus. So individuals and communities donate statue, building, and other dedication to the god.” From this dedication, a temple was built with a 42 foot Zeus statue stand inside it. The temple then called the temple of Zeus. Time passed, the game is even more popular. Today the Olympic Game become one of the biggest sports events in the world.


Zeus was the god of weather. He makes rain, storm, lightning, and thunder according to his mood. With his great power, people are so cautious of making him angry, because if he gets angry, he’ll make immense storms destroy everything in its path.


Everything has strengths and weakness, so does Zeus. Even though he was the strongest god of all, he still got an obvious weakness, Women. Women were Zeus’s weakness because he can’t control his feeling toward good looking women. That why he always cheated on his wife Hera. From his great power and this particular weakness,  he became the father of men.


In our literacy class, we were learning about ancient Egyptian. So besides their amazing structure of the pyramid, there is a belief of afterlife for the wealthy people such Noble and Pharaoh, mummy. Mummification is a step for the god of death, Osiris, to judge on the person soul whether or not they are going to the afterlife which was believed to be much likely to the life on earth and that the soul would like to use the old body.  Therefore, while learning about the process of mummifying, we actually assigned to perform the steps of mummifying.

Here are the steps of mummifying.

  1. Removal of the Brain: With long hooks, the brain is extracted through the nasal passage. The Egyptians didn’t think that the brain had any special use.
  2. Organ Removal (Evisceration): A cut is made on the left side of the body, and the liver, lungs, and other organs are removed, dried out, and stored in sacred vessels called canopic jars. The heart is left in the body, because it will be needed to be weighed in judgment by Osiris.
  3. Dehydration with Natron Crystals: Now the body must be dehydrated (have the liquids removed) to stop decay. A type of salt called natron is used. Natron crystals are packed around the body. The crystals absorb body fat and fluids and keep the body from decaying.9 After being treated for about 40 days, the corpse10 is washed and dried.
  4. Stuffing: Because the body has lost much of its mass, resin11-stained clothes or bits of sawdust are used to pack the corpse, which by now has also lost its eyeballs. Pieces of cloth are stuffed in the eye sockets and painted black. At this point, the corpse’s lips and cheeks are painted.
  5. Oiling the Body: This elaborate12 process includes massaging, perfuming, and anointing (blessing with oil) the corpse.
  6. Coloring: After the nose and mouth are filled with cloth scraps to restore the shape of the face, the body is colored. Men are colored red; women are colored yellow. After the coloring, resin is poured into body cavities.13
  7. Arrangement of the Body: Depending on which period of Egyptian history the deceased lived in, the arms are either placed to the side of the corpse, folded on its chest, or placed with hands on shoulders.
  8. Wrapping: The body is wrapped in several layers of fine linen; and various body parts receive particular attention. This process takes two weeks, after which a resin is added to the bandages.
  9. Funerary Mask: A mask, sometimes made entirely of gold, is fitted to the mummy’s body. Symbols of gods often adorned14 masks.
  10. Burial of Waste: All materials used to prepare the corpse (such as natron and bloody linen) are placed in a jar and buried away from the mummy’s tomb.

Pictures coming soon…

Should We Blame Our Ancestor?-Gender Article

This is a gender-related article that I wrote for my literacy class.

Should We Blame Our Ancestor?

“Boys, what is your opinion on girls keep getting these sports opportunity and you don’t,” asked Dominic Sharp the country director of the Liger Leadership Academy when he visits the gender equity exploration. No one answer.

The question then changed to, “Why do you think these opportunities are only available for girls?” Then one of us said, “That’s because back in the old days these opportunities were only for boys, so for gender equity, these kinds of opportunities are now opened up more to the girls.” After this discussion, I asked myself “Should we blame our ancestors for limiting  boy’s opportunities today?”

In many cultures, girls are defined as weak because they are often physically weaker than men Therefore, physical activities such as sports have been seen as masculine and only for males. For example according to the Football Association (FA), in 1921, the association bans women from playing on Football League grounds by the statement of  “…the game of football is quite unsuitable for females and ought not to be encouraged.” Despite the fact that women have a long history in this sport, they are still seen as unsuitable for the game.

After half of a century, the FA finally lifted the ban, yet there is still lack of support for women in this field. Even though women are no longer banned, Regardless of the unban, for many countries like Cambodia, women are expected to be soft and gentle and sports are still sometimes taboo. Therefore sports are not under the category of what they are supposed to do. In fact, once a Cambodian girl hits puberty, they are sometimes forced to stay home and learn to do all the house chores and prepare to be a wife, which is known as “into the shade”. So there is no sport for women from family level up to nation degree. For instance, the most followed event in football, FIFA World Cup, wasn’t created for women until 1991 which is 61 years after the men tournament.

This outdated cultural belief not only limits women in sports but also education. In Cambodia, girls were not allowed to attend school until after French colonization. Boys were educated in pagodas and since girls cannot interact with monks, they were forbidden.

Even in contemporary Cambodia, some girls are still battling for higher education from their parent’s limitation. Once the girls reach high school, they have a high dropout chance due to many economic reasons, plus their parents perspective. So one of the most important reason is the parent’s mindset on how girls don’t need high education since they are going to be man’s wife one day. Thus, they force their daughter to quit school, help the family economically, and wait for the legal age to marry. Without education, women can’t really get into any high development field such as technology. Therefore, it has created the stereotype where this is not the field for women and women shouldn’t be in this field.

So, due to these opportunities limitation, right now there are so many more opportunities and encouragement in those fields for girls. For examples, in sport, there are many spots open up for girls to train and compete in a variety of tournament. For example is that there is an opportunity open up only for girls to play in a frisbee tournament in Philippine.

In education, there are many programs which giving girls full scholarship to many good universities. Moreover, there’s even world-class competition for girls in technology such as Technovation where they offer girls from all over the world the opportunity to learn the skills they need to emerge as tech entrepreneurs and leaders in a competition form.

From these girl’s opportunities, boys are actually feeling upset about it, and sometimes even complain that it’s not fair. However, if we look back into our history, we can see that girls have never had any opportunity that boys have up until the last century, in fact, they still not completely have those opportunities today.

So is this the fault of our ancestor? Maybe it is their fault for not fighting for the women right back in the day, but not at all. It’s actually the belief and mindsets which had developed since the birth of human raise which had waylaid them from denouncing for women right. Therefore, we should not blame our ancestor but instead, we should continue fighting for the gender equality in any field in around the world.


Coming of Age – Personal Narrative

As a literacy assignment, our teacher asked us to write a two pages essay about our personal experience of “Coming of Age”. So I decided to write an essay about an aspect that made me felt like an adult; which is independence.


Independence is the beacon to maturity. It took me about twelve years to gain my independence my family and the world. For twelve years, I was just a kid that only wanted to have fun. For twelve years, I lacked independence, bravery, and maturity. Ten years in a small world just home and school disrupts me from seeing the immense universe full of creative steps and dazzling path. Until one day I found an amazing place that helps me to have my position today.

I was born on December 10, 2002, in a village of Chumposka-eka. As the big brother in the family, I didn’t get as much attention as my brothers. I grew up in a family that valued education and encouraged me. At age five, my mom decided that it was time for me to start school. however, my first school was full of corruption and wasn’t a place I would go by choice. Time passed and I adapted. In fourth grade, everything changed. In 2012, my mom gave me a huge opportunity to take a test for a scholarship at Liger Learning Center. I was hopeless about passing the test because I had not been very successful in school. I remember back then in a class of forty students, I would be the thirty-third student. Nevertheless, the test for Liger was not the same material from school and I actually did pretty well on the test and received the scholarship.

Within the first two years at Liger, my mindset completely changed. I used to be this kid who’s doesn’t like school, doesn’t have many friends, and have really bad scores in class; Within the first two years at Liger, my mindset completely changed. Being independent is a massive challenge for me at first. Due to the lack of independent before Liger, I was really inept at utilizing my independence, but as I got older and worked harder, I became more adept. Project-based learning really helped me use my time more wisely.

When I was thirteen, it was the first time ever in my life, where I felt so much of the freedom from my parent. It was back in summer of 2016. In the middle of the break, I got phone calls from my Phnom Penh-Liger-friends inviting me to attend a small party with them. Those phone calls make me really happy since I had never been invited to any party by myself. However, during this happy moment, I had a feeling that my parent won’t ever let me out there by my own. Follow this thought makes me afraid to ask for my mom’s permission. Nevertheless, the energy of the party, the energy of wanted freedom, and the energy of friendship is much stronger than this small though. So I dispatch the fear and walk bravely toward my mom asking for her permission. For this first attempt, I was so happy since my proposal got accepted. Disputed the happiness and hide emotions was my idea, but I guess the stupid smile still leak out. Her permission is like a ticket for roller coaster ride through amazing adventures.

Finally, the party came. I was so excited for the day despite all the rule that was given by my mom, about what I should and shouldn’t do, that postpone all the fun thought that I had. The closer I get to the party the more I get pumped up. With eight people at the party, it was the best party yet I ever attend. After the party end, we decided to go to another place to relax with wifi and air conditioner in town. While walking through the town, I felt no longer as a kid. The level of independence I got at that moment is enough to change me. Then we arrived at the destination and having fun. Due to all the fun I had during the trip, I just realized how powerful is independence.

Independence is a key to unlock all of the characteristics leading to adulthood. Additionally there no need for the insanely huge amount of independence to become an adult. For example, within just a single trip that my mom allowed me to go by myself, was enough to unlock the characteristics of an adulthood. So I believe that independence is all we need to be an adulthood.


Sonnet Poem

In literacy class with Jan we mainly learn to improve our pronunciation. We also learn how to write poems. This is a poem that I has made with my friend (Chhoeu).
Please enjoy!

The boys are walking to an awesome park
Then they both went to swim in a blue sea
They have a contest to race with a shark
They didn’t want to cause they weren’t ready.

After the race they went to get some drinks
The choices are coffee, coke and Pepsi
They both wanted to purchase their own thing
One guide buy coke and others buy coffee.

They are still wanted to do a treatment
There were many people who in the room
They both get no place to join an event
After that they heard a sound boom! boom! boom!

They both were thinking that it was a crime
Then they both got to the checkout ontime.

I go to an Unusual school

English writing

I go to an unusual school.This school is called Liger Learning Center (LLC). LLC is an international school that has both Cambodian and foreign teachers. LLC has 50 Cambodian students (25 boys, 25 girls) that are really smart. These students work together to change Cambodia. In our learning program we have a class called exploration. It is not just learning from a book or internet, We go out to explore and see the real world. The teacher does not teach us,they just help and guide us. Some explorations are led by students. We learn two languages (Khmer and English). I love this school and I alway love it’s learning program that why alway make it different from other school in Cambodia.

These are some Photos that show how Liger is an unusual shcool.

We go out to different places in Cambodia and out side of the country (Singapore) and have new opportunity.

  • Go to Siem Reap province

New pome

In Liger I always learn new thing and this is one of the thing that learn.


Who am I?

am Sophat
I have two brothers
I am a 13 year old boy
I am a boy that likes to play sport
I am a Cambodian boy
I like Cambodian food
I have a big dream
I do what I want
I like being

My verb Quiz

My point 21/29 Very good job! —> 28/29


  1. What is an action verb? Give three examples. Action verb is the verb that can show the action. Ex run,swim,walk.
  2. What is a helping verb? List four examples. Helping verb is the verb that help the action and make more clear. Ex been,has,is,did.
  3. Does every sentence have a helping verb? no every sentence donse have helping verb. Ex: Today is Monday.
  4. What are the parts in a verb phrase? Write me a sentence and make the verb phrase pink. Verb phrase are need helping verb and action verb. Ex I am walking to home.
  5. Does every sentence have a main verb? Yes every sentence need main verb.
  6. Can a sentence have more than one main verb? No a sentence can have only one main verb.
  7. Yesterday was Monday. ←- In this sentence, WAS is not a helping verb. Why not? Was is not helping verb in this sentence because don’t have the action verb to help. Good!!
  8. Helping verbs usually tell more about the action verb. What do they tell about the action verb? more clear . Ex: Nary wear gray shirt. I go to market tomorrow.

Write AV for action verb or HV for helping verb. If it is not a verb at all, write NO.


  1. stopping AV 6. been HV 11. works AV
  2. at no 7. caught AV 12. erases AV
  3. grew AV 8. conjugating AV 13. had HV
  4. were HV 9. can HV 14. worse no
  5. nice no 10. muddiest no 15. down no
  6. Hongly ran home.

HV = no

AV =  ran

MV = ran

VP = no


  1. Kanha and Sreypich were laughing together.

HV = were

AV = laughing

MV = laughing

VP = were laughing


  1. The desk is green.

HV = no

AV = no

MV = is

VP = no

  1. Tomorrow it will rain.

HV = will

AV = rain

MV = rain

VP = will,rain


  1. He was walking down the stairs.

HV = was

AV = walk

MV = walk

VP = was,walk


  1. I want to go to Phnom Penh tonight.

HV = no

AV = no

MV = want

VP = no

I = togo