Chemistry is the scientific discipline involved with compounds composed of atoms (google.) Chemistry is one of the four essential classes Liger provide this year. Two years ago, we got introduce to chemistry by a Princeton student. Back then we were just learning the very basic of this subject which include atoms and significant figure etc. For this first round, we were basic review stuff that we learn two years ago with the new facilitator. Yet, we did experiments/labs along with the topic we went over. My most favorite lab so far is the flame lab. In this lab, we were basically testing different salt on fire to see the change in color of the flame. So first we deep a popsicle sticks in fresh water, then deep it into the salt, and then put on the fire. By heating the salt up is like adding energy into the atoms. Therefore, it makes the electrons shift from the inner shell to outer shell which produces photons in the process: create colors. My most favorite reaction is when the fire reacted with the Copper Chlorine.